Minic Precision, Inc. specializes in custom designed gear blanks, which are widely used in both the automotive and machine tool industries. Motor gear blanks, worm gear blanks, drive gear blanks, press fit blanks, precision ground gear blanks and milled gear blanks are just a few of the types of gear blanks we can manufacture.
Our gear blanks are made from hardened materials that are capable of withstanding heavy shock loading. Enhanced strength, durability and excellent performance are some of the quality benefits of using Minic Precision, Inc. gear blanks. The process of converting gear blanks into gears requires the addition of teeth. This is done with a hobbing machine. Gears are manufactured from precision gear blanks to optimize the power transmission output of a vehicle.
Our gear blanks are milled and turned using Swiss screw machines such as Tornos Swiss Automatic Screw Machines, Bechler Swiss Automatic Screw Machines and Citizen CNC Swiss Turning Machines. Both the automatic and CNC machines perform similar operations, only the tooling methods differ in each case. Swiss automatic screw machines are fitted with multidirectional cross cutting tools. The CNC Swiss turning machines have dies instead of cutting tools, which allows more precise detailing to be added to the finished parts.
Precise dimensions are achieved through the use of our Tornos Swiss Automatic Screw Machines, Tornos and Citizen Swiss CNC Turning Machines. Also, we use Statistical Process Control (SPC) throughout the manufacturing process. All custom machines parts are available in diameters ranging from 0.005 to 1.00 inches and lengths ranging from 0.005 to 10.00 inches. Other specifications include tight tolerance values down to ± 0.0001 inches and surface finishes to 16 micro.